Big Data:
Intelligent (Big) data analysis for a smart society/ organization Project Description:
This is a process of converting raw data (i.e., small, medium and big size) from databases to knowledge, then following by users for an efficient and effective decision making towards an intelligent business. This project contains lots of work and idea, such as understanding data and data quality by data mining concepts, data modelling through (online and offline) machine learning, model optimization by meta-heuristic optimization techniques, and interface design and visualization techniques. There are lots of platforms to run any part of this project, ideally by MATLAB, R Studio, Visual Studio, SPSS Clementine, so on.


• Interconnection Networks
• Computer Networks
• Distributed Systems
• Big Data
• Internet-of-Things
• Analytical Modelling
• Optimization Theory
• Mathematical Programming

Internet-of-Things (IoT) Project Description:
The Internet of things is the interconnection of physical objects using an internet connection, allowing them to interact external to themselves by sending and receiving data. The project uses ChipKit WiFIRE board designed by Imagination Company and sets up a Creator IoT Framework system. ChipKit WiFIRE is pin-compatible with 3.3 Arduino shields; it can also use IDEs with hardware abstraction (MPIDE, UECIDE).

Network Planning and Design Project Description:
This is a practical and comprehensive project which design an enterprise network from scratch. Students need to design and present a proposal for purchase, implementation and support of the network and make sure the designed network is reliable, secure, and manageable.

Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)
Project Description:
The main goal of HRI is to enable robots to successfully interact with humans. As robots increasingly make their way into functional roles in everyday human environments (like homes, schools, and hospitals), we need them to be able to interact with everyday people. Moreover, a person working with a robot shouldn’t be required to learn a new form of interaction. Thus, the project aims to develop techniques to improve task coordination and collaboration between human and robot partners.